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How to preserve wood?

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

Wood is a versatile and timeless material used in various aspects of our daily lives, from furniture to architectural structures. However, to ensure its durability and beauty over time, it's essential to adopt proper conservation practices. In this guide, we'll explore valuable tips for preserving the natural beauty of wood in your home.

1. Regular cleaning

Keeping wood clean is the first step in ensuring its durability. Use a soft, damp cloth to regularly remove dust and dirt. Avoid using abrasive products that may damage the wood surface. For stubborn stains, opt for specific wood cleaning products.

2. Moisture protection

Moisture is one of the main enemies of wood, leading to warping, deformation, and even mold growth. Make sure to keep the environment well-ventilated, and if possible, use dehumidifiers. When cleaning wood, avoid excessive use of water, and if necessary, dry immediately.

3. Sealing and varnishing

Applying sealants and varnishes is essential to protect wood against external agents. These products form a barrier that prevents the entry of moisture, dust, and other harmful elements. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and reapply at the indicated intervals to maintain the effectiveness of the protection.

4. Avoid excessive sun exposure

Constant exposure to the sun can cause discoloration and drying of the wood. Position wooden furniture and objects away from windows directly exposed to sunlight. If this is not possible, consider using curtains or blinds to filter the light.

5. Protection against insect

Insects such as termites can cause significant damage to wood. Use repellent products or invest in preventive treatments to keep these unwanted intruders away. Regular inspections are also important to identify and treat problems early.


Preserving wood in your home does not require complex efforts but rather regular care and simple practices. By adopting these tips, you will ensure that your wooden furniture and structures maintain their natural beauty for many years, providing a cozy and long-lasting environment in your home. Remember, the key lies in prevention and attention to detail.


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